OCEM-Quiz Competition -2076 <br/>

OCEM-Quiz Competition -2076 <br/>

8 January 2025

Programme date: 15th of Magh 2076
Time: 11:00 am onwards
Venue: OCEM Premises

Last Date of team registration: 14th Magh (Before 5:00 PM)
Team Registration: 9855027300 via SMS (please mention your faculty, class/semester and
3 participants name.)

  •  There will be qualifying round- paper quiz (Multiple choice questions set of 30 questions)
  • Only 12 Teams will qualify for the final round

Rules of final round:
Round 1. Current Affairs- Clockwise

I. This is passable round and consists a set of 13 questions.
II. Participants can choose their question number
III. Participants will get 30 seconds for direct question and 15 seconds for the passed
ones. Team captain will only be responsible for the answer.
IV. 10 points will be provided for the correct answer of direct question and 5 points for
the passed ones.
V. There shall be no negative marking in this round.

Round 2. History and Geography- anti-clockwise

I. This is passable round and consists a set of 13 questions.
II. Participants can choose their question number
III. Participants will get 30 seconds for the direct question and 15 seconds for the passed
ones. Team captain will only be responsible for the answer.
IV. 10 points will be provided for the correct answer of direct question and 5 points for
the passed ones.
V. There shall be no negative marking in this round.

Round 3. Science and Technology- Clockwise

I. This is passable round and consists a set of 13 questions.
II. Participants can choose their question number
III. Participants will get 30 seconds for direct question and 15 seconds for the passed
ones. Team captain will only be responsible for the answer.
IV. 10 points will be provided for the correct answer of direct question and 5 points for
the passed ones.
V. There shall be no negative marking in this round.

Round 4. Games and sports- Anti-clockwise

I. This is passable round and consists a set of 13 questions.
II. Participants can choose their question number
III. Participants will get 30 seconds for direct question and 15 seconds for the passed
ones. A team captain will only be responsible for the answer.
IV. 10 points will be provided for the correct answer of direct question and 5 points for
the passed ones.
V. There shall be no negative marking in this round.

Round 5. Audio Visual- Clockwise

I. This is passable round and consists a set of 13 questions.
II. Participants can choose their question number
III. Participants will get 30 seconds for direct question and 15 seconds for the passed ones. Team captain will only be responsible for the answer.
IV. 10 points will be provided for the correct answer of direct question and 5 points for the passed ones.
V. There shall be no negative marking in this round.

Round 6. Maths and IQ- anti-clockwise

I. This is non-passable round and consists a set of 13 questions.
II. Participants can choose their question number
III. Participants will get 60 seconds for direct question. Team captain will only be responsible for the answer.
IV. 10 points will be provided for the correct answer of a direct question
V. There shall be no negative marking in this round.

Round 7. Oxford Round - Clockwise

I. This is passable round and consists a set of 13 questions and questions are only related to oxford college.
II. Participants can choose their question number
III. Participants will get 30 seconds for direct question and 15 seconds for the passed ones. Team captain will only be responsible for the answer.
IV. 10 points will be provided for the correct answer of direct question and 5 points for the passed ones.
V. There shall be no negative marking in this round.

Round 8: Rapid Fire Round-Anti-clock wise

I. This is non-passable round
II. This round will consist of 12 sets with 5 questions each. Each team chooses their set.
III. A team will get 30 seconds to answer the questions. Any member of the contesting team may answer.
IV. Answer can be attempted multiple times and the next question will not be asked until the correct answer or PASS is not said.
V. Each right answer gets 10 marks
VI. There shall be no negative marking.

Round 9. Gambling Round- Clockwise

I. This is non-passable round and consists of a set of 13 questions.
II. Participants can choose their question number
III. There is negative marking in this round.
IV. There will be three level of gambling i.e. Platinum, Gold and Silver. While making the call, the captain should make sure what they are going for.
V. In case the team opts for platinum, they will draw 30 points for the correct answer while 15 points will be deducted if they commit mistake. In case of Gold, 20 points will be given for the correct answer and 10 points will be deducted if the answer is incorrect. If the team goes for Silver, 10 points will be provided for the correct answer while there will be no negative marking if unanswered/wrong answer.
VI. Participants will get 60 seconds to answer. Team captain will only be responsible for the answer.